Saturday, March 23, 2002

Negative space

Snow on a wide field bounded by distant horizon
or a fence but this fence post is angled to the plane
barbed wire stretches into a trap for last year's rolling thistle
next year's weed

A pile of snow with a blow-hole Some small animal
whose name I do not know is hiding here
Is it a weasel waiting for a foolish venturer?

A ring of tracks a pattern in the snow
Children or coyotes play games of catch-my-neighbour
"It"is in the centre is "it" prey or predator?

Snow is innocence too difficult to get into mischief on a bank of snow

Snow is a co-conspirator
an ally hiding sin until the spring
black edged in the melting season

Snow cheats
plays soft
and hurts
to touch

Snow tattles gossips reveals the visitor to all

Snow is always
an allegory